It pays to invest in automating your operational processes. Given the right system, automation is scalable, i.e. it can be realized step by step as your business volumes grow and requirements rise.
The Savanna.NET® Warehouse Execution System is Westfalia’s flexible, scalable, all-in-one logistics software that allows you to precisely control and analyze all automated logistics processes along the supply chain. It consists of a base module plus expansion modules and combines the functionalities of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and a material flow or Warehouse Control System (WCS).
Savanna.NET® gives you full control over all product and material flows within your own intralogistics, as well as maximum system flexibility and great user-friendliness. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, all users regardless of their software skills can have full visualization of all operations implemented by people or machines within the company.
Our software can accommodate and advance any level of automation. Efficient operations generally use both a WMS and WCS to transport and store intermediate and finished products more quickly and efficiently and to maximize the precision of order fulfilment. Both functionalities are integrated into our Warehouse Execution System (WES).
Automating all or some of your intralogistics, you benefit in many ways in terms of the efficiency of production and planning processes, the precision of commercial data, and the level of satisfaction among your customers and employees.
Automation with Savanna.NET®
- relieves the burden on warehouse staff
- maximizes storage capacity
- improves inventory accuracy
- optimizes product traceability
Warehouse Staff
Automation helps support and relieve your warehouse staff in their daily tasks. When picking, sorting, packaging, staging and other warehouse functions are automated, warehouse staff can work more efficiently and focus more on vital aspects such as quality control and safety. This helps reduce the risk of accidents and increase customer and employee satisfaction, adding to a sustainable competitive advantage.
Storage Capacity
The better storage space is used, the more cost-effective the warehouse. High-density storage systems automated using Savanna.NET® maximize capacity in the given storage area. This eliminates the need for costly building extensions or external, more complex, storage. And if your business is going so well that you need additional storage capacity, our high-density storage systems can simply grow with you, e.g. upwards. The functional scope of our flexible and modular Warehouse Execution System is equally scalable.
Inventory Accuracy
With Savanna.NET®, businesses can manage their stock levels with pinpoint accuracy. The system helps minimize human errors that may occur during order fulfilment. Our software provides full visualization of all operations, from goods receiving to the preparation of delivery routes. This helps avoid inventory shortages and reduces or prevents booking and delivery errors and thus costly backorder shipments and return handling. An automated intralogistics system “thinks” for itself – and customers appreciate that.
Product Traceability
The ability to trace products back along the entire supply chain is now a requirement in the food and beverage industry as well as other sectors. Savanna.NET® has the capability to track all logistics activities in real time. The system informs you when shipments arrive, where they are located in the warehouse, and when they are scheduled to ship – on the warehouse management computer or decentralized via a handheld device by means of a barcode, QR code or NFC chip.
No matter how complex your product and material flows may be or become: with the Savanna.NET® Warehouse Execution System you have control and can benefit from all the advantages of automation.