Preventive remote IT inspection
A team of experienced IT specialists can help ensure the functionality of your plant remotely. We record and assess the system states and evaluate conflicts via remote connection. In addition, we analyse, evaluate and communicate any weak points and initiate appropriate measures. Our preventive inspections also include the evaluation of error frequencies, the identification of anomalies and the check of your customer-specific Savanna® and database method.
Preventive on-site IT inspection
To round off our service, we additionally offer you the possibility of an on-site inspection. We will take a thorough all-round view on the client/server infrastructure supplied by us and will implement the most recent versions of the Windows and SQL service packs with security updates. In addition to a virus check, our IT specialists also check the data consistency between the warehouse management system and the control of the storage and retrieval machines as well as the safety and failure recovery plan we supplied for the warehouse management system. At the end of the inspection we will perform a plant test together with you.