As the employer, you are responsible for the safety of all work equipment. Storage system operators must ensure the highest safety level and maximum occupational health and safety; therefore, annual rack inspections are mandatory in addition to the safety inspections of storage and retrieval machines and personal protection systems (e.g. sensors for access control and the protection of hazardous areas).
The risk of damage is generally higher when industrial trucks and storage and retrieval machines are used. Racks loaded by staff-operated equipment tend to pose even greater risks than racks loaded by automated equipment.
Certified according to DIN EN 15635, our rack inspectors ensure that your rack systems comply with all legal requirements of the professional associations as well as European rack standards. The inspectors inspect rack structure and concept, static properties, structural safety and stability at the prescribed intervals. They check your rack system for damage, for compliance with technical specifications and for proper loading. This way they effectively help you as the operator to eliminate deficiencies in the “rack” work equipment and to avoid accidents at work.
Inspection intervals and racks to be inspected
According to DIN EN 15635, fixed steel rack systems and adjustable pallet racks must be subjected to a regular visual inspection and an extensive annual safety inspection. In each case, 20 percent of all rack components are subject to inspection; thus, the entire rack system is inspected in a 5-year cycle.
As the operator, you must document such inspections and must regularly carry out visual inspections before use to verify that the racks comply with the prescribed occupational safety level.
This duty to inspect covers racks used for commercial purposes in storage facilities with pallet racking, racks in sales facilities and agriculture as well as racks in which materials or work equipment are stored.
The law also prescribes who may carry out the inspections and how often they have to be performed:
- Section 5 of the German Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG): Employer’s obligation to assess the working conditions
- Industrial Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV): Hazard assessment
- German Trade Association Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) Rule 108-007: Damage repair measures
Often, there may be two or more rack systems in one warehouse and logistics system. A look at modern automated storage systems reveals the importance of a thorough professional rack inspection: The high-bay warehouses in such systems can reach 40 meters in height or more. Our systems equipped with the Satellite® load handling device are also often designed for particularly heavy loads. The equipment and condition of the racks must correspond to the stored goods.
Our rack inspections help you to clarify the safety status of your racks. We can advise you on all steps necessary to eliminate potential defects. As a well-networked general contractor, we can also arrange necessary service technician visits at a fair price-performance ratio, if required.
Elements of rack inspection
Our comprehensive and professional rack inspection is made up of several elements. It can be optimally integrated into the running operation without disturbing it (e.g. combination with electromechanical inspection, stopping a storage and retrieval machine outside peak hours or during alternative storage and retrieval strategies).
As our customer, you receive a comprehensive and informative inspection report, documenting the current state with photos and assigned to the storage areas by rack, rack bay and block. We offer various solutions for the elimination of defects tailored to the extent and size of the damage. Depending on the particular case, the necessary measures are implemented by your own technicians or by a field service technician arranged by us.
Whatever solution is the right one in your case, certified rack inspections by our qualified inspectors and timely repairs may help you ensure essential occupational health and safety in your intralogistics.
Would you like to know more about rack inspections? Please contact us. We look forward to your questions.